

FAQ & Tokenomics

  • What are $COLBAIR tokens?

It is a digital token that was created on the Solana network. Similar to $FARTCOIN tokens, it has no intrinsic utility whatsoever.

  • How many $COLBAIR tokens are there?

There are a total of 1 billion $COLBAIR tokens minted, and no more will ever be created again. At the launch, 60% of the tokens were issued to Colbair himself.

  • What’s the current price of $COLBAIR?

You can check the price of $COLBAIR here.

  • How can I buy some $COLBAIR?

You’ll need to download Phantom on your phone, create a wallet and transfer in some Solana (if you don’t have any, you can purchase some from Coinbase). After you have some Solana on your Phantom wallet, you can use the swap functionality to swap Solana for $COLBAIR!

If that’s too complicated, ask your grandson for help.

  • 75% burn if Stephen Colbert performs a skit and interacts with $COLBAIR on the show

If Stephen Colbert performs a skit and interacts with Steven Colbair on the show, Colbair will burn 75% of his $COLBAIR holdings.

  • 50% burn if Stephen Colbert talks about $COLBAIR on the show

If Stephen Colbert talks about $COLBAIR on the show, Colbair will burn 50% of his $COLBAIR holdings.

  • 10% burn if Stephen Colbert does the popcorn thing on the show

If Stephen Colbert does the popcorn thing on the show, Colbair will burn 10% of his $COLBAIR holdings.

  • What does it mean to burn a token?

Burning a token is when the token is sent to a virtual incinerator where the token’s ashes are deposited into a burn wallet. When that happens, the token is effectively removed from circulation and is never able to be transferred again. Similar to when you burn paper money.